XQSPI Exported Constants


 XQSPI work mode
 XIP read command
 Slave select
 Address bytes in command
 Read data endian mode
 XIP cache mode
 Cache FIFO mode
 Cache hit/miss counters mode
 QSPI Flags Defines
 Flags defines which can be used with LL_XQSPI_ReadReg function.
 QSPI interrupt Defines
 Interrupt defines which can be used with LL_XQSPI_ReadReg and LL_XQSPI_WriteReg functions.
 QSPI FIFO Watermark
 QSPI Frame Format
 QSPI Data Order
 QSPI Datawidth
 QSPI Clock Phase
 QSPI Clock Polarity
 QSPI Buad Rate
 QSPI Present Bypass
 QSPI Flash write bits
 InitStrcut default configuartion

Detailed Description