Adding User Code
You can modify corresponding code in the ble_app_example on demand.
Modifying the main() Function
Code of a typical main.c file is provided as follows:
/**@brief Stack global variables for Bluetooth protocol stack. */
int main (void)
// Initialize user peripherals.
// Initialize ble stack.
ble_stack_init(ble_evt_handler, &heaps_table);
// loop
while (1)
* Add Application code here, e.g. GUI Update.
- STACK_HEAP_INIT(heaps_table) defines four global arrays as Heaps for Bluetooth LE Stack. Do not modify the definition; otherwise, Bluetooth LE Stack cannot work. For more information about Heap size, see CFG_MAX_CONNECTIONS in “Configuring custom_config.h”.
- You can initialize peripherals in app_periph_init(). In development and debugging phases, the SYS_SET_BD_ADDR in this function can be used to set a temporary Public Address. The user_periph_setup.c in which this function is contained includes the following main code:
/**@brief Bluetooth device address. */
static const uint8_t s_bd_addr[SYS_BD_ADDR_LEN] = {0x11, 0x11, 0x11, 0x11,0x11, 0x11};
void app_periph_init(void)
- You should add main loop code of applications to “while(1) { }”, for example, code to handle external input and update GUI.
- When using the APP LOG module, call the app_log_flush() in the main loop. This is to ensure logs are output completely before the SoC enters Sleep Mode. For more information about the APP LOG module, see “Outputting Debug Logs”.
- Call the pwr_mgmt_shcedule() to implement automatic power management to reduce system power consumption.
Implementing Bluetooth LE Business Logics
Related Bluetooth LE business logics of applications are driven by a number of Bluetooth LE events which are defined in GR551x SDK. Applications need to implement corresponding Bluetooth LE event handlers to obtain operation results or state change notifications of Bluetooth LE Stack. Bluetooth LE event handlers are called in the interrupt context of Bluetooth LE SDK IRQ. Therefore, do not perform long-running operations in handlers, for example, blocking function call and infinite loop; otherwise, the system is blocked, causing Bluetooth LE Stack and the SDK Bluetooth LE module unable to run in a normal timing.
Bluetooth LE events fall into eight categories: Common, GAP Management, GAP Connection Control, Security Manager, L2CAP, GATT Common, GATT Server, and GATT Client. All Bluetooth LE events supported by GR551x SDK are listed below.
Event Type | Event | Description |
Common | BLE_COMMON_EVT_STACK_INIT | Bluetooth LE Stack init complete event |
GAP Management |
BLE_GAPM_EVT_CH_MAP_SET | Channel Map Set complete event |
BLE_GAPM_EVT_WHITELIST_SET | Whitelist Set complete event | |
BLE_GAPM_EVT_PER_ADV_LIST_SET | Periodic Advertising List Set complete event | |
BLE_GAPM_EVT_PRIVACY_MODE_SET | Privacy Mode for Peer Device Set complete event | |
BLE_GAPM_EVT_LEPSM_REGISTER | LEPSM Register complete event | |
BLE_GAPM_EVT_LEPSM_UNREGISTER | LEPSM Unregister complete event | |
BLE_GAPM_EVT_DEV_INFO_GOT | Device Info Get event | |
BLE_GAPM_EVT_ADV_START | Advertising Start complete event | |
BLE_GAPM_EVT_ADV_STOP | Advertising Stop complete event | |
BLE_GAPM_EVT_SCAN_REQUEST | Scan Request event | |
BLE_GAPM_EVT_ADV_DATA_UPDATE | Advertising Data update event | |
BLE_GAPM_EVT_SCAN_START | Scan Start complete event | |
BLE_GAPM_EVT_SCAN_STOP | Scan Stop complete event | |
BLE_GAPM_EVT_ADV_REPORT | Advertising Report event | |
BLE_GAPM_EVT_SYNC_ESTABLISH | Periodic Advertising Synchronization Establish event | |
BLE_GAPM_EVT_SYNC_STOP | Periodic Advertising Synchronization Stop event | |
BLE_GAPM_EVT_SYNC_LOST | Periodic Advertising Synchronization Lost event | |
BLE_GAPM_EVT_READ_RSLV_ADDR | Read Resolvable Address event | |
GAP Connection Control |
BLE_GAPC_EVT_CONNECTED | Connected event | |
BLE_GAPC_EVT_DISCONNECTED | Disconnected event | |
BLE_GAPC_EVT_CONNECT_CANCEL | Connect Cancel event | |
BLE_GAPC_EVT_AUTO_CONN_TIMEOUT | Auto Connect Timeout event | |
BLE_GAPC_EVT_CONN_PARAM_UPDATED | Connect Parameter Updated event | |
BLE_GAPC_EVT_CONN_PARAM_UPDATE_REQ | Connect Parameter Request event | |
BLE_GAPC_EVT_PEER_NAME_GOT | Peer Name Get event | |
BLE_GAPC_EVT_CONN_INFO_GOT | Connect Info Get event | |
BLE_GAPC_EVT_PEER_INFO_GOT | Peer Info Get event | |
BLE_GAPC_EVT_DATA_LENGTH_UPDATED | Data Length Updated event | |
BLE_GAPC_EVT_DEV_INFO_SET | Device Info Set event | |
BLE_GAPC_EVT_CONNECT_IQ_REPORT | Connection IQ Report info event | |
BLE_GAPC_EVT_CONNECTLESS_IQ_REPORT | Connectionless IQ Report info event | |
BLE_GAPC_EVT_LOCAL_TX_POWER_READ | Local transmit power read indication info event | |
BLE_GAPC_EVT_REMOTE_TX_POWER_READ | Remote transmit power read indication info event | |
BLE_GAPC_EVT_TX_POWER_CHANGE_REPORT | Transmit power change reporting info event | |
BLE_GAPC_EVT_PATH_LOSS_THRESHOLD_REPORT | Path loss threshold reporting info event | |
BLE_GAPC_EVT_RANGING_IND | Ranging indication event | |
BLE_GAPC_EVT_RANGING_SAMPLE_REPORT | Ranging sample report event | |
BLE_GAPC_EVT_RANGING_CMP_IND | Ranging complete indication event | |
BLE_GAPC_EVT_DFT_SUBRATE_SET | Default subrate param set complete event | |
BLE_GAPC_EVT_SUBRATE_CHANGE_IND | Subrate change indication event | |
BLE_GATT_COMMON_EVT_PRF_REGISTER | Service Register event | |
GATT Server | BLE_GATTS_EVT_READ_REQUEST | GATTS Read Request event |
BLE_GATTS_EVT_PREP_WRITE_REQUEST | GATTS Prepare Write Request event | |
BLE_GATTS_EVT_NTF_IND | GATTS Notify or Indicate Complete event | |
BLE_GATTS_EVT_MULT_NTF | GATTS Multiple Notifications event | |
BLE_GATTS_EVT_ENH_READ_REQUEST | GATTS Enhanced Read Request event | |
BLE_GATTS_EVT_ENH_WRITE_REQUEST | GATTS Enhanced Write Request event | |
BLE_GATTS_EVT_ENH_PREP_WRITE_REQUEST | GATTS Enhanced Prepare Write Request event | |
BLE_GATTS_EVT_ENH_NTF_IND | GATTS Enhanced Notify or Indicate Complete event | |
BLE_GATTS_EVT_ENH_MULT_NTF | GATTS Enhanced Multiple Notifications event | |
GATT Client | BLE_GATTC_EVT_SRVC_BROWSE | GATTC Service Browse event |
BLE_GATTC_EVT_PRIMARY_SRVC_DISC | GATTC Primary Service Discovery event | |
BLE_GATTC_EVT_INCLUDE_SRVC_DISC | GATTC Include Service Discovery event | |
BLE_GATTC_EVT_CHAR_DISC | GATTC Characteristic Discovery event | |
BLE_GATTC_EVT_CHAR_DESC_DISC | GATTC Characteristic Descriptor Discovery event | |
BLE_GATTC_EVT_READ_RSP | GATTC Read Response event | |
BLE_GATTC_EVT_WRITE_RSP | GATTC Write Response event | |
BLE_GATTC_EVT_NTF_IND | GATTC Notify or Indicate Receive event | |
BLE_GATTC_EVT_ENH_SRVC_BROWSE | GATTC Enhanced Service Browse event | |
BLE_GATTC_EVT_ENH_PRIMARY_SRVC_DISC | GATTC Enhanced Primary Service Discovery event | |
BLE_GATTC_EVT_ENH_INCLUDE_SRVC_DISC | GATTC Enhanced Include Service Discovery event | |
BLE_GATTC_EVT_ENH_CHAR_DISC | GATTC Enhanced Characteristic Discovery event | |
BLE_GATTC_EVT_ENH_CHAR_DESC_DISC | GATTC Enhanced Characteristic Descriptor Discovery event | |
BLE_GATTC_EVT_ENH_READ_RSP | GATTC Enhanced Read Response event | |
BLE_GATTC_EVT_ENH_WRITE_RSP | GATTC Enhanced Write Response event | |
BLE_GATTC_EVT_ENH_NTF_IND | GATTC Enhanced Notify or Indicate Receive event | |
Security Manager | BLE_SEC_EVT_LINK_ENC_REQUEST | Link Encrypted Request event |
BLE_SEC_EVT_LINK_ENCRYPTED | Link Encrypted event | |
BLE_SEC_EVT_KEY_PRESS_NTF | Key Press event | |
BLE_SEC_EVT_KEY_MISSING | Key Missing event | |
BLE_L2CAP_EVT_CONN_REQ | L2CAP Connect Request event |
BLE_L2CAP_EVT_CONN_IND | L2CAP Connected Indicate event | |
BLE_L2CAP_EVT_ADD_CREDITS_IND | L2CAP Credits Add Indicate event | |
BLE_L2CAP_EVT_DISCONNECTED | L2CAP Disconnected event | |
BLE_L2CAP_EVT_SDU_RECV | L2CAP SDU Receive event | |
BLE_L2CAP_EVT_ADD_CREDITS_CPLT | L2CAP Credits Add Completed event | |
BLE_L2CAP_EVT_ENH_CONN_REQ | L2CAP Enhanced Connect Request event | |
BLE_L2CAP_EVT_ENH_CONN_IND | L2CAP Enhanced Connected Indicate event | |
BLE_L2CAP_EVT_ENH_RECONFIG_CPLT | L2CAP Enhanced Reconfig Completed event | |
BLE_L2CAP_EVT_ENH_RECONFIG_IND | L2CAP Enhanced Reconfig Indicate event |
You need to implement necessary Bluetooth LE event handlers according to functional requirements of your products. For example, if a product does not support Security Manager, you do not need to implement corresponding events; if the product supports GATT Server only, you do not need to implement the events corresponding to GATT Client. Only those event handlers required for products are to be implemented.
For more information about the usage of Bluetooth LE APIs and event APIs, see the source code of Bluetooth LE examples in SDK_Folder\documentation\GR551x_API_Reference and SDK_Folder\projects\ble.
Scheduling BLE_Stack_IRQ, BLE_SDK_IRQ, and Applications
Bluetooth LE Stack is the implementation core of Bluetooth LE protocol stacks. It directly operates the hardware mentioned in Bluetooth 5.1 Core (see “Software Architecture”). Therefore, BLE_Stack_IRQ has the second-highest priority after SVCall IRQ, which ensures that Bluetooth LE Stack runs strictly in a time sequence specified in Bluetooth Core Spec.
A state change of Bluetooth LE Stack triggers BLE_SDK_IRQ interrupt with lower priority. In this interrupt handler, the Bluetooth LE event handlers (to be executed in applications) are called to send state change notifications of Bluetooth LE Stack and related business data to applications. You should avoid performing long-running operations in these event handlers, and shall move such operations to the main loop or user thread for processing. You can use the module in SDK_Folder\components\libraries\app_queue, or your own application framework, to transfer events from Bluetooth LE event handlers to the main loop. For more information about processing in the user thread, see GR5xx FreeRTOS Example Application.