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Flash Memory Mapping

GR551x packages an on-chip erasable Flash memory, which supports XQSPI bus interface. This Flash memory physically consists of several 4 KB Flash sectors; it can be logically divided into storage areas for different purposes based on application scenarios.

The Flash memory layout of a typical GR5515 application scenario is shown in Figure 5.

Figure 5 Flash memory layout
  • System Configuration Area (SCA): an area to store system boot parameter configurations
  • User App: storage area for application firmware
  • Unused Space: a free area for developers. For example, developers can store new application firmware in the Unused Space temporarily during DFU.
  • NVDS: Non-volatile Data Storage area

By default, NVDS occupies the last sector of Flash memory. You can reasonably configure the start address of NVDS and the number of occupied sectors according to Flash memory layout of products. For more information about the configuration, see “Configuring custom_config.h”.

Important: The start address of NVDS shall be aligned with that of the Flash sectors.

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