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Preparing ble_app_example

Open SDK_Folder\projects\ble\ble_peripheral\, copy ble_app_template to the current directory, and rename it as ble_app_example. Rename the base name of .uvoptx and .uvprojx files in ble_app_example\Keil_5 as ble_app_example.

Figure 14 ble_app_example folder

Double-click ble_app_example.uvprojx to open the project example in Keil. Click , and select Output in Options for Target ‘GRxx_Soc’; enter ble_app_example in Name of Executable.

Figure 15 Modifications to Name of Executable

All groups of the ble_app_example project are available in the Project Window of Keil.

Figure 16 Project ble_app_example

Groups of the ble_app_example project are mainly in two categories: SDK groups and User groups.

  • SDK groups

    The SDK groups include gr_startup, gr_arch, gr_soc, gr_board, gr_stack_lib, gr_app_drivers, gr_libraries, gr_profiles, and external.

    Figure 17 SDK groups

    Source files in the SDK groups are not required to be modified. Group descriptions are provided below:

    Table 7 SDK groups
    SDK Group Name Description


    System boot file


    Initialization configuration files and system interrupt implementation files for System Core and PMU

    gr_soc gr_soc.c
    gr_board Board-level description file


    GR551x SDK .lib file


    Driver API source files, which are easy to use for application developers. You can add related application drivers on demand.


    Open source files of common assistant software modules and peripheral drivers provided by in the SDK


    Source files of GATT Services/Service Clients. You can add necessary GATT source files for projects.


    Source files for third-party programs, such as FreeRTOS and SEGGER RTT. You can add third-party programs on demand.

  • User groups

    User groups include user_platform and user_app.

    Figure 18 User groups

    Functions for source files in User groups need to be implemented by developers. Group descriptions are provided below:

    Table 8 User groups
    User Group Name Description


    Software and hardware resource setting and application initialization; you need to execute corresponding APIs on demand.


    main() function entries and other source files created by developers, which are used to configure runtime parameters of Bluetooth LE Stack and execute event handlers of GATT Services/Service Clients

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