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Documentation > GR551x Developer Guide/ GR551x Bluetooth LE Software Platform/ GR551x SDK Directory Structure Copy URL

GR551x SDK Directory Structure

The folder directory structure of GR551x SDK is shown in Figure 11.

Figure 11 GR551x SDK directory structure

Detailed descriptions of folders in GR551x SDK are shown in Table 5.

Table 5 GR551x SDK folders
Folder Description
build\config Project configuration directory that stores the custom_config.h template file. Contents in this file are used to configure project parameters.
build\gcc GCC tools
build\iar IAR tools
build\keil Keil MDK tools
components\drivers_ext Drivers of third-party components on the development board
components\libraries Libraries provided in GR551x SDK
components\profiles Source files of GATT Services/Service Clients implementation examples provided in GR551x SDK
components\sdk API header files provided in GR551x SDK
documentation GR551x API references
drivers\inc Header files used by the GR551x peripheral drivers
drivers\src Source code used by the GR551x peripheral drivers
external\freertos Source code of FreeRTOS (a third-party program)
external\mbedtls Source code of Mbed (a third-party program)
external\nanopb Source code of Nanopb (a third-party program)
external\segger_rtt Source code of SEGGER RTT (a third-party program)
platform\arch Toolchain files of CMSIS
platform\boards Source files for initialing GR5515 Starter Kit Board (GR5515 SK Board). The files are used for initializing basic peripherals at board level.
platform\include Common header files related to platform
platform\soc\common Public source files compatible to GR551x SoCs. The files include gr_interrupt.c, gr_platform.c, and gr_system.c.
platform\soc\linker Symbol table files and library files provided in the GR551x SDK for the linker
platform\soc\include Common header files closely related to driver underlying configurations such as registers and clock configurations
platform\soc\src gr_soc.c, which is about initialization processes closely related to SoCs. The processes include initializing Flash and NVDS, configuring crystal, and calibrating PMU.
projects\ble Bluetooth LE application project examples, such as Heart Rate Sensor and Proximity Reporter
projects\peripheral Peripheral project examples of a GR551x SoC
tools Development and debugging software of the GR551x

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