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ADC Measurement Error Due to Non-Compliant SoC Supply Voltage When Internal Reference Source Is Used

  • Description

    For ADC with an internal reference source (voltage value: 1P2V or 1P6V), a large ADC measurement error occurs, leading to failure to meet customer measurement requirements.

  • Cause

    The maximum voltage for internal modules within a GR551x SoC is determined by VBATL. If the internal reference voltage of the ADC is higher than the VBATL value, the ADC fails to work normally because the SoC cannot provide the accurate reference voltage required by the ADC.

  • Impact

    The SoC fails to supply a voltage that meets the internal reference source level required by the ADC, resulting in a non-compliant reference voltage that leads to a large ADC measurement error.

  • Recommended Workarounds

    Different reference voltage values require different SoC supply voltages. To achieve optimal ADC performance and minimize ADC measurement error, ensure the SoC supply voltage is within the reference range listed in the table below:

Table 1 Reference range of SoC supply voltage specific to reference sources
Reference Source Range of SoC Supply Voltage
0P8V 2.1 V–3.8 V
1P2V 2.6 V–3.8 V
1P6V 3.2 V–3.8 V

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