+ Collaboration diagram for Structures:


struct  ble_l2cap_lecb_conn_req_t
 The parameter of LE credit based connection request packet sending. More...
struct  ble_l2cap_lecb_cfm_conn_t
 LE credit based connection confirm parameter. More...
struct  ble_l2cap_lecb_add_credits_t
 LE flow control credit packet parameter. More...
struct  ble_l2cap_lecb_sdu_t
 SDU packet parameter. More...
struct  ble_l2cap_evt_conn_req_t
 L2cap Connect Request event for BLE_L2CAP_EVT_CONN_REQ. More...
struct  ble_l2cap_evt_conn_ind_t
 L2cap Connected Indicate event for BLE_L2CAP_EVT_CONN_IND. More...
struct  ble_l2cap_evt_add_credits_ind_t
 L2cap Credits Add Indicate event for BLE_L2CAP_EVT_ADD_CREDITS_IND. More...
struct  ble_l2cap_evt_disconnect_t
 L2cap disconnect event for BLE_L2CAP_EVT_DISCONNECTED. More...
struct  ble_l2cap_evt_sdu_recv_t
 L2cap SDU Receive event for BLE_L2CAP_EVT_SDU_RECV. More...
struct  ble_l2cap_evt_sdu_send_t
 L2cap SDU Send event for BLE_L2CAP_EVT_SDU_SEND. More...
struct  ble_l2cap_evt_add_credits_cplt_t
 L2cap Credits Add Completed event for BLE_GATTC_EVT_NTF_IND. More...
struct  ble_l2cap_evt_t
 BLE L2cap event structure. More...

Detailed Description