Dual Timer
The Dual Timer module consists of two programmable down counters (32-bit or 16-bit) that can generate interrupts when they reach 0. Since the Dual-Timer is in the MCU Subsystem domain, Dual-Timer interrupt is not available during sleep, and the running Dual-Timer will not prevent the MCU from sleeping. If the RELOAD register is configured with a value, the Dual-Timer immediately counts down from the RELOAD value; if the BG_LOAD register is configured with a value, the Dual-Timer starts counting down again with the BG_LOAD value after the current counting cycle is completed. If BG_LOAD value is set before Dual-Timer is initialized, the BG_LOAD value will be invalid after the Dual-Timer is initialized with RELOAD value.
Main Features
- A 32-bit or 16-bit counter
- One of the following timer modes:
- Periodic
- One-shot
- Free-running
- The clock source of the Dual Timer follows the system clock
- Dual Timer has a prescaler that can divide down the enabled timer clock rate by 1, 16, or 256.
- Dual Timer pauses when the MCU is suspended.
Functional Description
In Dual Timer, both of the counters are defined by default. For each counter, the following operational modes are available:
- Free-running
The counter wraps after reaching zero, and continues to count down from the maximum value (0xFFFFFFFF). This is the default mode.
- Periodic
The counter generates an interrupt at a fixed interval, reloading the original value after wrapping past zeros.
- One-shot
The counter generates an interrupt once. When the counter reaches 0, it halts until you reprogram it.
When the value of the RELOAD register is configured to 0, no count and no interrupt are generated.
The RELOAD value only represents the count-down number of timers. If you want to configure a specific duration (for example, µs, ms, or s), you need to use the following formula:
where PRE stands for prescaled coefficient.
- Name: Dual Timer Reload Register
- Description: This register contains the value from which the counter is to decrease. The count is immediately restarted from the new RELOAD value.
- Base Address: 0x40002000
- Offset: 0x00 + x*0x20
- Reset Value: 0x00
*x is used to identify the counter of the Dual Timer Module. The “x” can be 0 or 1.
Bits | Field Name | RW | Reset | Description |
31:0 |
RW |
0x0 |
Reload value. Write to this register sets the current value. |
- Name: Dual Timer Current Value Register
- Description: This register provides the current count value of the decrementing counter.
- Base Address: 0x40002000
- Offset: 0x04 + x*0x20
- Reset Value: 0xFFFFFFFF
Bits | Field Name | RW | Reset | Description |
31:0 |
RO |
Current count value |
- Name: Dual Timer Control Register
- Description: This register enables the software to control the Dual Timer.
- Base Address: 0x40002000
- Offset: 0x08 + x*0x20
- Reset Value: 0x20
Bits | Field Name | RW | Reset | Description |
31:8 |
R |
Reserved bits |
7 |
EN |
RW |
0x0 |
Timer enable Value:
6 |
RW |
0x0 |
Timer mode Value:
5 |
RW |
0x1 |
Interrupt enable Value:
4 |
R |
Reserved bits |
3:2 |
RW |
0x0 |
Prescale bits Value:
1 |
RW |
0x0 |
Select 16-bit or 32-bit counter operation: Value:
0 |
RW |
0x0 |
Select wrap mode or one-shot mode: Value:
- Name: Dual Timer Interrupt Clear Register
- Description: Any write to the INT_CLR register clears the interrupt output from the counter.
- Base Address: 0x40002000
- Offset: 0x0C + x*0x20
- Reset Value: 0x00
Bits | Field Name | RW | Reset | Description |
31:0 |
WO |
0x0 |
Clear the Dual-Timer interrupt event. |
- Name: Dual Timer Raw Interrupt Status Register
- Description: The RAW_INT_STAT register indicates the raw interrupt status from the counter.
- Base Address: 0x40002000
- Offset: 0x10 + x*0x20
- Reset Value: 0x00
Bits | Field Name | RW | Reset | Description |
31:1 |
R |
Reserved bits |
0 |
RO |
0x0 |
Raw interrupt status from the counter |
- Name: Dual-Timer interrupt enable status register
- Description: The INT_STAT register indicates the masked interrupt status from the counter.
- Base Address: 0x40002000
- Offset: 0x14 + x*0x20
- Reset Value: 0x00
Bits | Field Name | RW | Reset | Description |
31:1 |
R |
Reserved bits |
0 |
RO |
0x0 |
Enable interrupt status from the counter. |
- Name: Dual-Timer background reload register
- Description: When the BG_LOAD value is set, the counter will count down again from the BG_LOAD value after completing the current counting cycle.
- Base Address: 0x40002000
- Offset: 0x18 + x*0x20
- Reset Value: 0x00
Bits | Field Name | RW | Reset | Description |
31:0 |
RW |
0x0 |
The BG_LOAD does not cause the counter to immediately restart from the new value. |