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文档中心 > GR5526 Datasheet/ Peripherals/ DMA/ Block Diagram Copy URL

Block Diagram

图 152 shows the following functional groupings of the main interfaces to the DMA controller block:

  • DMA hardware request interface
  • 6 channels
  • 128 bytes FIFO for Channel 0 and 32 bytes FIFO per other channel for source and destination
  • Arbiter
  • AHB master interface
  • AHB slave interface
图 152 DMA controller block diagram

图 153 illustrates a peripheral-to-peripheral DMA transfer, where Peripheral A (source) uses a hardware handshaking interface, and Peripheral B (destination) uses a software handshaking interface. For example, the request to send data to Peripheral B is originated by the CPU, while writing to Peripheral B is handled by the DMA controller. The channel source and destination arbitrate independently for the AHB master interface, along with other channels.

图 153 Peripheral-to-peripheral DMA transfer on the same AHB layer

