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File Classification

The HAL and LL files are classified into two categories: driver files and user-application files.

  • Driver files: header files, HAL driver files, and LL driver files
  • User-application files: files that are referred to or implemented when users build a project

Driver Files

Header Files

Table 1 Header files
Name Description


Header file that is common to all GR55xx SoCs series. It contains header file description, some public macro statements, and enumeration declarations. Examples: flag_status_t, SET_BIT(REG, BIT), and gr55xx_hal.h.


Processor header file that is common to all GR551x SoCs series. It contains structure declarations of all peripheral control registers as well as peripherals. The declarations are implemented by using structures and macros.

HAL Driver Files

The components of the HAL driver files in a GR551x SoC are listed in Figure 2.

Figure 2 HAL driver files

The table below lists the description of HAL driver files.

Table 2 Description of HAL driver files
Name Description


Configuration file for HAL drivers. It contains HAL driver header files for all peripherals. Developers can modify this file to specify a peripheral/module and other parameters to be compiled.


HAL driver header file of a module. It contains API functions, structures, enumerations, and macros. Example: gr55xx_hal_uart.h


HAL driver source file of a module. It helps implement driver API functions. Example: gr55xx_hal_uart.c


Header file of extension features for some module drivers. It contains function declarations of the extension features that are available on some SoCs. Example: gr55xx_hal_gpio_ex.h that contains defines statements of pin multiplexing


Source file of extension features for some module drivers. To date, the functions in this file are not available.


Header file that is common to HAL drivers. It contains configuration header file as well statements of hal_init and related tick API functions. By introducing this file into applications, developers can use HAL drivers of GR551x SoCs. This file bridges user applications to HAL drivers.


Source file that is common to HAL drivers. It helps implement hal_init() and related tick() API functions (weak function, can be re-defined on demand).


Template file allowing implementation of hal_ppp_msp_init() and hal_ppp_msp_deinit() API functions. It configures MspInit and MspDeinit callback functions of all peripherals in a unified manner. Among them, hal_ppp_msp_init() is called in hal_ppp_init() to configure GPIO reuse, clock, DMA, and interrupts of corresponding modules.


Type define file for HAL drivers. It contains common macros, structures, and enumeration declarations as well as compiler-related define statements. Example: hal_status_t.

Declaration header file that is common to HAL drivers. It contains common data types and constants of all peripheral drivers.


ppp represents the peripheral name. Examples: gpio, qspi, and uart

LL Driver Files

The table below lists the description of LL driver files.

Table 3 Description of LL driver files
Name Description


LL driver header file of a module. It contains macro definitions and structure declarations of LL drivers of the module. It also helps implement inline functions for register access in LL drivers. Example: gr55xx_ll_gpio.h


LL driver source file of a module. It contains init() and deinit() functions. Example: gr55xx_ll_gpio.c

User-Application Files

The table below lists the user-application files of GR551x SoCs.

Table 4 Description of user-application files
Name Description


This file contains the SystemInit() function to perform system initialization after system reset. The file also helps configure system clocks.


Startup file for GR551x SoCs


Optional file. This file contains msp_init() and msp_deinit() functions of all peripheral modules. Those of peripherals that are less frequently used can be stored in main.c.


Optional file. This file contains interrupt handlers of peripherals. Those of peripherals that are less frequently used can be stored in main.c.


It contains main() functions and header files.

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