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Electrical Specifications

QSPI Electrical Specifications

表 207 QSPI Electrical Specifications
Parameter Description Min. Typ. Max. Units
fSCK Clock frequency 32 MHz
tCSCK SCK clock period 31.25 ns
tRSCK SCK rise time, 15 pF loading tRF,15pF[1] ns
tFSCK SCK fall time, 15 pF loading tRF,15pF[1] ns
tWSCKH SCK clock high time 7.625[2] ns
tWSCKL SCK clock low time 7.625[2] ns
tSUMI Data input setup time (MISO to SCK edge) 0 ns
tHMI Data input hold time (SCK edge to MISO change) 8 ns
tVMO Data output valid time (SCK edge to MOSI valid) 0 ns
tHMO MOSI hold time after CLK edge 20 ns

[1] The SCK rise time and the SCK fall time are from 图 45.

[2] The SCK clock high time and the SCK clock low time are calculated by (tCSCK/2)–tRSCK and (tCSCK/2)–tFSCK, respectively.

The QSPI Timing Diagram is as below:

图 45 QSPI Timing Diagram

