
void ble_gap_pair_enable (bool enable)
 Decide whether to support the pair feature. More...
uint16_t ble_gap_addr_set (gap_bdaddr_t const *p_addr)
 Set the device identity address (public or random static). More...
uint16_t ble_gap_addr_get (gap_bdaddr_t *p_addr)
 Get the device identity address (public or random static). More...
uint16_t ble_gap_tx_power_set (gap_activity_role_t role, uint8_t index, int8_t txpwr_dbm)
 Set the tx power. More...
uint16_t ble_gap_tx_power_get (gap_activity_role_t role, uint8_t index, int8_t *txpwr_dbm)
 Get the tx power. More...
uint16_t ble_gap_irk_set (gap_sec_key_t *p_irk)
 Set IRK used for resolvable random BD address generation (LSB first). More...
uint16_t ble_gap_privacy_params_set (uint16_t renew_dur, bool enable_flag)
 Set privacy related parameters. More...
uint16_t ble_gap_data_length_set (uint16_t sugg_max_tx_octet, uint16_t sugg_max_tx_time)
 Set suggested default LE data length. More...
uint16_t ble_gap_l2cap_params_set (uint16_t max_mtu, uint16_t max_mps, uint8_t max_nb_lecb)
 Set L2CAP related parameters. More...
void ble_gap_pref_phy_set (uint8_t tx_pref_phy, uint8_t rx_pref_phy)
 Set the preferred values for the transmitter PHY and receiver PHY. More...
uint16_t ble_gap_path_compensation_set (int16_t tx_path_comp, int16_t rx_path_comp)
 Set the RF path gain or loss between the RF transceiver and the antenna contributed by intermediate components. More...
uint16_t ble_gap_chnl_map_set (gap_chnl_map_t *p_chnl_map)
 Set advertising channel map before advertising starts. More...
uint16_t ble_gap_bond_devs_get (bond_dev_list_t *p_bond_list)
 Get all bonded devices. More...
uint16_t ble_gap_bond_dev_addr_get (uint8_t conn_idx, gap_bdaddr_t *p_peer_addr)
 Get BD address of the bonded device. More...
uint16_t ble_gap_bond_devs_clear (void)
 Clear all bonded devices. More...
uint16_t ble_gap_bond_dev_del (const gap_bdaddr_t *p_peer_addr)
 Delete a bond device with the specified BD address. More...
uint16_t ble_gap_whitelist_get (white_list_t *p_whitelist)
 Get the content of the whole white list. More...
uint16_t ble_gap_whitelist_add (const white_list_t *p_whitelist)
 Add the devices into current white list. If white list is full or there are duplicated entries, it will return error. More...
uint16_t ble_gap_whitelist_del (const white_list_t *p_whitelist)
 Delete the devices out of current white list. If the entries do not exist in the current white list, it will return error. More...
uint16_t ble_gap_whitelist_clear (void)
 Clear all the entries in the current white list. More...
uint16_t ble_gap_per_adv_list_get (period_adv_list_t *p_pal_list)
 Get the content of the whole periodic advertising list. More...
uint16_t ble_gap_per_adv_list_add (const period_adv_list_t *p_pal_list)
 Add the devices into current periodic advertising list. If periodic advertising list is full or there are duplicated entries, it will return error. More...
uint16_t ble_gap_per_adv_list_del (const period_adv_list_t *p_pal_list)
 Delete the devices out of periodic advertising list. If the entries do not exist in the current list, an error will be returned. More...
uint16_t ble_gap_per_adv_list_clear (void)
 Clear all the entries in the current periodic advertising list. More...
uint16_t ble_gap_rpa_list_get (ral_dev_list_t *p_rpa_list)
 Get the RPA list info. More...
uint16_t ble_gap_dev_info_get (gap_dev_info_get_type_t type)
 Get the device information according to param type. More...
uint16_t ble_gap_adv_param_set (uint8_t adv_idx, gap_own_addr_t own_addr_type, gap_adv_param_t *p_adv_param)
 Set parameters for advertising. Note that this function must be called prior to advertising started. More...
uint16_t ble_gap_ext_adv_param_set (uint8_t adv_idx, gap_own_addr_t own_addr_type, gap_ext_adv_param_t *p_adv_param)
 Set extended parameters for advertising. Note that this function must be called prior to advertising. More...
uint16_t ble_gap_adv_data_set (uint8_t adv_idx, gap_adv_data_type_t type, const uint8_t *p_data, uint16_t length)
 Set Advertising Data, Scan Response Data and Periodic Advertising Data. See ENUM gap_ad_type_t for ADV Type definitions. See ENUM gap_adv_flags_t for ADV flag definitions. More...
uint16_t ble_gap_update_adv_data (uint8_t adv_idx, gap_adv_data_type_t type, const uint8_t *p_data, uint16_t length)
 Update Advertising Data, Scan Response Data and Periodic Advertising Data. See ENUM gap_ad_type_t for ADV Type definitions. See ENUM gap_adv_flags_t for ADV flag definitions. More...
uint16_t ble_gap_adv_start (uint8_t adv_idx, gap_adv_time_param_t *p_timeout)
 Start advertising. More...
uint16_t ble_gap_adv_stop (uint8_t adv_idx)
 Stop advertising. More...
uint16_t ble_gap_scan_param_set (gap_own_addr_t own_addr_type, gap_scan_param_t *p_scan_param)
 Set parameters for scanning. Note that this function must be called prior to scanning started. More...
uint16_t ble_gap_ext_scan_param_set (gap_own_addr_t own_addr_type, gap_ext_scan_param_t *p_scan_param)
 Set extended parameters for scanning. Note that this function must be called prior to scanning started. More...
uint16_t ble_gap_scan_start (void)
 Start scanning. More...
uint16_t ble_gap_scan_stop (void)
 Stop scanning. More...
uint16_t ble_gap_per_sync_param_set (uint8_t per_sync_idx, gap_per_sync_param_t *p_per_sync_param)
 Set the parameters used for periodic sync. More...
uint16_t ble_gap_per_sync_start (uint8_t per_sync_idx)
 Start to synchronize with periodic advertising from an advertiser and begin receiving periodic advertising packets. More...
uint16_t ble_gap_per_sync_stop (uint8_t per_sync_idx)
 Stop periodic synchronization. More...
uint16_t ble_gap_connect (gap_own_addr_t own_addr_type, gap_init_param_t *p_init_param)
 Start a legacy connection to a device. More...
uint16_t ble_gap_ext_connect (gap_own_addr_t own_addr_type, gap_ext_init_param_t *p_init_param)
 Start an extended connection to a device. More...
uint16_t ble_gap_connect_cancel (void)
 Cancel an initiated connection. More...
void ble_gap_appearance_set (uint16_t appearance)
 Set GAP appearance value. More...
uint16_t ble_gap_appearance_get (uint16_t *p_appearance)
 Get GAP appearance value. More...
void ble_gap_ppcp_present_set (bool present_flag)
 Set GAP Peripheral Preferred Connection Parameters present flag. More...
uint16_t ble_gap_ppcp_set (gap_conn_param_t const *p_conn_params)
 Set GAP Peripheral Preferred Connection Parameters. More...
uint16_t ble_gap_ppcp_get (gap_conn_param_t *p_conn_params)
 Get GAP Peripheral Preferred Connection Parameters. More...
uint16_t ble_gap_device_name_set (gap_dev_name_write_perm_t write_perm, uint8_t const *p_dev_name, uint16_t length)
 Set GAP device name. More...
uint16_t ble_gap_device_name_get (uint8_t *p_dev_name, uint16_t *p_length)
 Get GAP device name. More...
uint16_t ble_gap_lepsm_register (gap_lepsm_register_t *p_lepsm)
 Register a LE Protocol/Service Multiplexer. More...
uint16_t ble_gap_lepsm_unregister (uint16_t le_psm)
 Unregister a LE Protocol/Service Multiplexer. More...
uint16_t ble_gap_privacy_mode_set (gap_bdaddr_t peer_addr, privacy_mode_t mode)
 Set privacy mode for peer device. More...
uint16_t ble_gap_rslv_addr_read (gap_rslv_addr_read_op_id_t op_code, gap_bdaddr_t peer_iden_addr)
 Read peer or local resolvable address. More...
uint16_t ble_gap_reslv_rpa_addr (uint8_t *reslv_addr, uint8_t src_info, reslv_rpa_addr_callback_t cb)
 Resolve the rpa address. More...
uint16_t ble_gap_update_conn_param_method_set (uint8_t conn_idx, bool use_l2cap_flag)
 Set the method for updating connection parameter. More...
void ble_gap_rpa_addr_report_cb_register (rpa_addr_report_callback_t cb)
 Set the cb for rpa address report. More...

Detailed Description

Function Documentation

◆ ble_gap_addr_get()

uint16_t ble_gap_addr_get ( gap_bdaddr_t p_addr)

Get the device identity address (public or random static).

[in]p_addrThe pointer for the returned identity address.
Return values
SDK_SUCCESSOperation is successful.
SDK_ERR_POINTER_NULLInvalid pointer supplied.

◆ ble_gap_addr_set()

uint16_t ble_gap_addr_set ( gap_bdaddr_t const *  p_addr)

Set the device identity address (public or random static).

[in]p_addrProvided public or static random address. If addr_type = 0, it means public address, If addr_type = 1, it means static random address.
Return values
SDK_SUCCESSOperation is successful.
SDK_ERR_POINTER_NULLInvalid pointer supplied.
SDK_ERR_NO_RESOURCESNot enough resources.

◆ ble_gap_adv_data_set()

uint16_t ble_gap_adv_data_set ( uint8_t  adv_idx,
gap_adv_data_type_t  type,
const uint8_t *  p_data,
uint16_t  length 

Set Advertising Data, Scan Response Data and Periodic Advertising Data. See ENUM gap_ad_type_t for ADV Type definitions. See ENUM gap_adv_flags_t for ADV flag definitions.

[in]adv_idxAdvertising index, range is 0 to 4.
[in]typeData type.
[in]p_dataThe data pointer.
[in]lengthData length.
Return values
SDK_SUCCESSOperation is successful.
SDK_ERR_POINTER_NULLInvalid pointer supplied.
SDK_ERR_INVALID_ADV_IDXInvalid advertising index supplied.
SDK_ERR_INVALID_ADV_DATA_TYPEInvalid advertising data type supplied.
SDK_ERR_NO_RESOURCESNot enough resources.
User should not add extra Flags AD type as the BLE Stack has added the Flags AD type already.

◆ ble_gap_adv_param_set()

uint16_t ble_gap_adv_param_set ( uint8_t  adv_idx,
gap_own_addr_t  own_addr_type,
gap_adv_param_t p_adv_param 

Set parameters for advertising. Note that this function must be called prior to advertising started.

[in]adv_idxAdvertising index, range is 0 to 4.
[in]own_addr_typeOwn BD address source of the local device.
[in]p_adv_paramThe advertising parameters.
Return values
SDK_SUCCESSOperation is successful.
SDK_ERR_POINTER_NULLInvalid pointer supplied.
SDK_ERR_INVALID_ADV_IDXInvalid advertising index supplied.
SDK_ERR_INVALID_PARAMInvalid parameter supplied.
SDK_ERR_NO_RESOURCESNot enough resources.
Discovery mode param contains Flags AD type, setting adv data should not set the Flags AD type.
This API is for legacy advertsing (BT Core Spec version <= 4.2).

◆ ble_gap_adv_start()

uint16_t ble_gap_adv_start ( uint8_t  adv_idx,
gap_adv_time_param_t p_timeout 

Start advertising.

[in]adv_idxAdvertising index, range is 0 to 4.
[in]p_timeoutAdvertising timing parameter.
Return values
SDK_SUCCESSOperation is successful.
SDK_ERR_POINTER_NULLInvalid pointer supplied.
SDK_ERR_INVALID_ADV_IDXInvalid advertising index supplied.
SDK_ERR_INVALID_PARAMInvalid parameter supplied.
SDK_ERR_DISALLOWEDOperation is disallowed.
SDK_ERR_NO_RESOURCESNot enough resources.
If advertising mode is directed high duty cycle mode, duration should be set nonzero and not be greater than 1.28s.
This API is asynchronous.
If the field scan_req_ind_en in gap_adv_param_t is TRUE passed in ble_gap_adv_param_set function, or if the GAP_ADV_PROP_SCAN_REQ_NTF_EN_BIT is set in gap_adv_prop_t and passed in ble_gap_ext_adv_param_set function, gap_cb_fun_t::app_gap_scan_req_ind_cb will be called once a scan request has been received.
gap_cb_fun_t::app_gap_adv_start_cb will be called once the operation has completed.

◆ ble_gap_adv_stop()

uint16_t ble_gap_adv_stop ( uint8_t  adv_idx)

Stop advertising.

[in]adv_idxAdvertising index, range is 0 to 4.
Return values
SDK_SUCCESSOperation is successful.
SDK_ERR_INVALID_ADV_IDXInvalid advertising index supplied.
SDK_ERR_DISALLOWEDOperation is disallowed.
This API is asynchronous.
gap_cb_fun_t::app_gap_adv_stop_cb will be called once the operation has completed or advertising has been stopped.

◆ ble_gap_appearance_get()

uint16_t ble_gap_appearance_get ( uint16_t *  p_appearance)

Get GAP appearance value.

[out]p_appearanceThe pointer to appearance value.
Return values
SDK_SUCCESSOperation is successful.
SDK_ERR_POINTER_NULLInvalid pointer supplied.

◆ ble_gap_appearance_set()

void ble_gap_appearance_set ( uint16_t  appearance)

Set GAP appearance value.

[in]appearanceAppearance value.

◆ ble_gap_bond_dev_addr_get()

uint16_t ble_gap_bond_dev_addr_get ( uint8_t  conn_idx,
gap_bdaddr_t p_peer_addr 

Get BD address of the bonded device.

[in]conn_idxThe index of connection.
[in]p_peer_addrPointer to the peer BD addrss
Return values
SDK_SUCCESSOperation is successful.
SDK_ERR_POINTER_NULLInvalid pointer supplied.
SDK_ERR_INVALID_PARAMThe parameter is invalid.

◆ ble_gap_bond_dev_del()

uint16_t ble_gap_bond_dev_del ( const gap_bdaddr_t p_peer_addr)

Delete a bond device with the specified BD address.

[in]p_peer_addrPointer to the BD addrss.
Return values
SDK_SUCCESSOperation is successful.
SDK_ERR_NVDS_NOT_INITNVDS is not initiated.
SDK_ERR_LIST_ITEM_NOT_FOUNDItem not found in list.
SDK_ERR_LIST_FULLList is full.
SDK_ERR_POINTER_NULLInvalid pointer supplied.

◆ ble_gap_bond_devs_clear()

uint16_t ble_gap_bond_devs_clear ( void  )

Clear all bonded devices.

Return values
SDK_SUCCESSOperation is successful.
SDK_ERR_NVDS_NOT_INITNVDS is not initiated.
SDK_ERR_LIST_ITEM_NOT_FOUNDItem not found in list.
SDK_ERR_LIST_FULLList is full.

◆ ble_gap_bond_devs_get()

uint16_t ble_gap_bond_devs_get ( bond_dev_list_t p_bond_list)

Get all bonded devices.

Return values
SDK_SUCCESSOperation is successful.
SDK_ERR_NVDS_NOT_INITNVDS is not initiated.
SDK_ERR_LIST_ITEM_NOT_FOUNDItem not found in list.
SDK_ERR_LIST_FULLList is full.
SDK_ERR_POINTER_NULLInvalid pointer supplied.

◆ ble_gap_chnl_map_set()

uint16_t ble_gap_chnl_map_set ( gap_chnl_map_t p_chnl_map)

Set advertising channel map before advertising starts.

[in]p_chnl_mapBitmask of LE channel map. See enum gap_chnl_map_t for BT Core Spec version <= 4.2.
Return values
SDK_SUCCESSOperation is successful.
SDK_ERR_POINTER_NULLInvalid pointer supplied.
SDK_ERR_NO_RESOURCESNot enough resources.
This API is asynchronous.
gap_cb_fun_t::app_gap_param_set_cb with op_id: GAP_OPCODE_CHNL_MAP_SET will be called once the operation has completed.

◆ ble_gap_connect()

uint16_t ble_gap_connect ( gap_own_addr_t  own_addr_type,
gap_init_param_t p_init_param 

Start a legacy connection to a device.

[in]own_addr_typeOwn BD address source of the local device.
[in]p_init_paramInitiate parameters.
Return values
SDK_SUCCESSOperation is successful.
SDK_ERR_POINTER_NULLInvalid pointer supplied.
SDK_ERR_DISALLOWEDOperation is disallowed.
SDK_ERR_NO_RESOURCESNot enough resources.
This API is for legacy connection (BT Core Spec version <= 4.2).
This API is asynchronous.
gap_cb_fun_t::app_gap_connect_cb will be called once the operation has completed or the connection has been completed.
gap_cb_fun_t::app_gap_peer_name_ind_cb will be called once the peer name has been got for the Name Discovery Procedure. See enum GAP_INIT_TYPE_NAME_DISC of type gap_init_type_t.

◆ ble_gap_connect_cancel()

uint16_t ble_gap_connect_cancel ( void  )

Cancel an initiated connection.

Return values
SDK_SUCCESSOperation is successful.
SDK_ERR_DISALLOWEDOperation is disallowed.
This API is asynchronous.
gap_cb_fun_t::app_gap_connect_cancel_cb will be called once the operation has completed.

◆ ble_gap_data_length_set()

uint16_t ble_gap_data_length_set ( uint16_t  sugg_max_tx_octet,
uint16_t  sugg_max_tx_time 

Set suggested default LE data length.

[in]sugg_max_tx_octetSuggested value for the Controller's maximum transmitted number of payload octets to be used, the range is 27~251.
[in]sugg_max_tx_timeSuggested value for the Controller's maximum packet transmission time to be used, the range is 328~2120.
Return values
SDK_SUCCESSOperation is successful.
SDK_ERR_INVALID_PARAMInvalid parameter supplied.

◆ ble_gap_dev_info_get()

uint16_t ble_gap_dev_info_get ( gap_dev_info_get_type_t  type)

Get the device information according to param type.

[in]typeParam type.
Return values
SDK_SUCCESSOperation is successful.
SDK_ERR_INVALID_PARAMInvalid parameter supplied.
SDK_ERR_NO_RESOURCESNot enough resources.
This API is asynchronous.
gap_cb_fun_t::app_gap_dev_info_get_cb with the specified op_id (see gap_dev_info_get_type_t) will be called once the requested parameters has been got.

◆ ble_gap_device_name_get()

uint16_t ble_gap_device_name_get ( uint8_t *  p_dev_name,
uint16_t *  p_length 

Get GAP device name.

[out]p_dev_nameThe pointer to device name value, set to NULL to obtain the complete device name length.
[in,out]p_lengthLength of the buffer pointed by p_dev_name, complete device name length on output.
Return values
SDK_SUCCESSOperation is successful.
SDK_ERR_POINTER_NULLInvalid pointer supplied.
SDK_ERR_INVALID_DATA_LENGTHInvalid data size(s) supplied.
If device name was not set, the default device name "GOODIX_BLE" will be available.
If the device name is longer than the size of the supplied buffer,p_len will return the complete device name length, and not the number of bytes actually returned in p_dev_name. The application may use this information to allocate a suitable buffer size.

◆ ble_gap_device_name_set()

uint16_t ble_gap_device_name_set ( gap_dev_name_write_perm_t  write_perm,
uint8_t const *  p_dev_name,
uint16_t  length 

Set GAP device name.

[in]write_permWrite permissions of the device name characteristic.
[in]p_dev_nameThe pointer to device name value. If p_dev_name is NULL, this function will only set write permissions of the device name.
[in]lengthDevice name length.
Return values
SDK_SUCCESSOperation is successful.
SDK_ERR_INVALID_PARAMInvalid parameter supplied.

◆ ble_gap_ext_adv_param_set()

uint16_t ble_gap_ext_adv_param_set ( uint8_t  adv_idx,
gap_own_addr_t  own_addr_type,
gap_ext_adv_param_t p_adv_param 

Set extended parameters for advertising. Note that this function must be called prior to advertising.

[in]adv_idxAdvertising index, range is 0 to 4.
[in]own_addr_typeOwn BD address source of the local device.
[in]p_adv_paramThe advertising parameters.
Return values
SDK_SUCCESSOperation is successful.
SDK_ERR_POINTER_NULLInvalid pointer supplied.
SDK_ERR_INVALID_ADV_IDXInvalid advertising index supplied.
SDK_ERR_INVALID_PARAMInvalid parameter supplied.
SDK_ERR_NO_RESOURCESNot enough resources.
This API is for extended and periodic advertising (BT Core Spec version >= 5.0).

◆ ble_gap_ext_connect()

uint16_t ble_gap_ext_connect ( gap_own_addr_t  own_addr_type,
gap_ext_init_param_t p_init_param 

Start an extended connection to a device.

[in]own_addr_typeOwn BD address source of the local device.
[in]p_init_paramInitiate parameters.
Return values
SDK_SUCCESSOperation is successful.
SDK_ERR_POINTER_NULLInvalid pointer supplied.
SDK_ERR_DISALLOWEDOperation is disallowed.
SDK_ERR_NO_RESOURCESNot enough resources.
This API is for extended connection (BT Core Spec version >= 5.0).
This API is asynchronous.
gap_cb_fun_t::app_gap_connect_cb will be called once the operation has completed or the connection has been completed.

◆ ble_gap_ext_scan_param_set()

uint16_t ble_gap_ext_scan_param_set ( gap_own_addr_t  own_addr_type,
gap_ext_scan_param_t p_scan_param 

Set extended parameters for scanning. Note that this function must be called prior to scanning started.

[in]own_addr_typeOwn BD address source of the local device.
[in]p_scan_paramThe scanning parameters.
Return values
SDK_SUCCESSOperation is successful.
SDK_ERR_POINTER_NULLInvalid pointer supplied.
SDK_ERR_NO_RESOURCESNot enough resources.
This API is for extended scanning (BT Core Spec version >= 5.0). The Scan window in p_scan_param should be enough to recieve one packet. For example. If you want to recieve packects with 1270 bytes on coded phy(S8), the scan_wd should be greater than 82ms. If you want to recieve packects with 1270 bytes on coded phy(S2), the scan_wd should be greater than 21ms.

◆ ble_gap_irk_set()

uint16_t ble_gap_irk_set ( gap_sec_key_t p_irk)

Set IRK used for resolvable random BD address generation (LSB first).

[in]p_irkDevice IRK (Identity Resolving Key).
Return values
SDK_SUCCESSOperation is successful.
SDK_ERR_POINTER_NULLInvalid pointer supplied.

◆ ble_gap_l2cap_params_set()

uint16_t ble_gap_l2cap_params_set ( uint16_t  max_mtu,
uint16_t  max_mps,
uint8_t  max_nb_lecb 

Set L2CAP related parameters.

[in]max_mtuMaximal MTU acceptable for device, the range is 65~512.
[in]max_mpsMaximal MPS Packet size acceptable for device (for COC SDU), the range is 65~max_mtu.
[in]max_nb_lecbMaximum number of LE Credit based connection that can be established, this range is 0x00~0x20. The actual number is decided by resource available.
Return values
SDK_SUCCESSOperation is successful.
SDK_ERR_INVALID_PARAMInvalid parameter supplied.
If these parameters are not set, the stack will config the default value as (max_mtu = 512, max_mps = 512 and max_nb_lecb = 10).

◆ ble_gap_lepsm_register()

uint16_t ble_gap_lepsm_register ( gap_lepsm_register_t p_lepsm)

Register a LE Protocol/Service Multiplexer.

[in]p_lepsmThe lepsm information to be registerred.
Return values
SDK_SUCCESSOperation is successful.
SDK_ERR_POINTER_NULLInvalid pointer supplied.
SDK_ERR_INVALID_PSM_NUMInvalid psm number.
SDK_ERR_INVALID_PSM_EXCEEDED_MAX_PSM_NUMThe maximum psm number limit is exceeded.
SDK_ERR_INVALID_PSM_ALREADY_REGISTEREDThe psm number has been registered.
This API is asynchronous. gap_cb_fun_t::app_gap_psm_manager_cb callback with op_id: GAP_OPCODE_LEPSM_REGISTER will be called.

◆ ble_gap_lepsm_unregister()

uint16_t ble_gap_lepsm_unregister ( uint16_t  le_psm)

Unregister a LE Protocol/Service Multiplexer.

[in]le_psmLE Protocol/Service Multiplexer (1 to 255).
Return values
SDK_SUCCESSOperation is successful.
SDK_ERR_INVALID_PSM_NUMInvalid psm number.
SDK_ERR_NO_RESOURCESNot enough resources.
This API is asynchronous.
app_gap_psm_manager_cb will be called once the operation has completed, gap_cb_fun_t::app_gap_psm_manager_cb callback with op_id: GAP_OPCODE_LEPSM_UNREGISTER will be called.

◆ ble_gap_pair_enable()

void ble_gap_pair_enable ( bool  enable)

Decide whether to support the pair feature.

[in]enableSupport flag.

◆ ble_gap_path_compensation_set()

uint16_t ble_gap_path_compensation_set ( int16_t  tx_path_comp,
int16_t  rx_path_comp 

Set the RF path gain or loss between the RF transceiver and the antenna contributed by intermediate components.

[in]tx_path_compRF TX Path Compensation value (from -128dB to 128dB, unit is 0.1dB).
[in]rx_path_compRF RX Path Compensation value (from -128dB to 128dB, unit is 0.1dB).
Return values
SDK_SUCCESSOperation is successful.
SDK_ERR_INVALID_PARAMThe parameter is invalid.

◆ ble_gap_per_adv_list_add()

uint16_t ble_gap_per_adv_list_add ( const period_adv_list_t p_pal_list)

Add the devices into current periodic advertising list. If periodic advertising list is full or there are duplicated entries, it will return error.

[in]p_pal_listPointer to input periodic advertising list.
Return values
SDK_SUCCESSOperation is successful.
SDK_ERR_POINTER_NULLInvalid pointer supplied.
SDK_ERR_LIST_ITEM_ALREADY_EXISTEDItem already existed in list.
SDK_ERR_LIST_FULLList is full.
SDK_ERR_DISALLOWEDOperation is disallowed.
SDK_ERR_NO_RESOURCESNot enough resources.
This API is asynchronous.
gap_cb_fun_t::app_gap_param_set_cb with op_id: GAP_OPCODE_PER_ADV_LIST_SET will be called once the operation has completed.

◆ ble_gap_per_adv_list_clear()

uint16_t ble_gap_per_adv_list_clear ( void  )

Clear all the entries in the current periodic advertising list.

This API is asynchronous.
gap_cb_fun_t::app_gap_param_set_cb with op_id: GAP_OPCODE_PER_ADV_LIST_SET will be called once the operation has completed.
Return values
SDK_SUCCESSOperation is successful.
SDK_ERR_DISALLOWEDOperation is disallowed.

◆ ble_gap_per_adv_list_del()

uint16_t ble_gap_per_adv_list_del ( const period_adv_list_t p_pal_list)

Delete the devices out of periodic advertising list. If the entries do not exist in the current list, an error will be returned.

[in]p_pal_listPointer to input periodic advertising list.
Return values
SDK_SUCCESSOperation is successful.
SDK_ERR_POINTER_NULLInvalid pointer supplied.
SDK_ERR_LIST_ITEM_NOT_FOUNDItem not found in list.
SDK_ERR_INVALID_PARAMInvalid parameter supplied.
SDK_ERR_DISALLOWEDOperation is disallowed.
SDK_ERR_NO_RESOURCESNot enough resources.
This API is asynchronous.
gap_cb_fun_t::app_gap_param_set_cb with op_id: GAP_OPCODE_PER_ADV_LIST_SET will be called once the operation has completed.

◆ ble_gap_per_adv_list_get()

uint16_t ble_gap_per_adv_list_get ( period_adv_list_t p_pal_list)

Get the content of the whole periodic advertising list.

[in]p_pal_listPointer to the output periodic advertising list.
Return values
SDK_SUCCESSOperation is successful.
SDK_ERR_POINTER_NULLInvalid pointer supplied.

◆ ble_gap_per_sync_param_set()

uint16_t ble_gap_per_sync_param_set ( uint8_t  per_sync_idx,
gap_per_sync_param_t p_per_sync_param 

Set the parameters used for periodic sync.

[in]per_sync_idxPeriodic synchronization index (range is 0 to 4).
[in]p_per_sync_paramPeriodic synchronization parameters.
Return values
SDK_SUCCESSOperation is successful.
SDK_ERR_POINTER_NULLInvalid pointer supplied.
SDK_ERR_INVALID_PER_SYNC_IDXInvalid periodic syncronization index supplied.
SDK_ERR_NO_RESOURCESNot enough resources.

◆ ble_gap_per_sync_start()

uint16_t ble_gap_per_sync_start ( uint8_t  per_sync_idx)

Start to synchronize with periodic advertising from an advertiser and begin receiving periodic advertising packets.

[in]per_sync_idxPeriodic synchronization index (range is 0 to 4).
Return values
SDK_SUCCESSOperation is successful.
SDK_ERR_POINTER_NULLInvalid pointer supplied.
SDK_ERR_INVALID_PER_SYNC_IDXInvalid periodic syncronization index supplied.
SDK_ERR_DISALLOWEDOperation is disallowed.
This API is asynchronous.
gap_cb_fun_t::app_gap_sync_establish_cb will be called once the periodic advertising synchronization has been established.

◆ ble_gap_per_sync_stop()

uint16_t ble_gap_per_sync_stop ( uint8_t  per_sync_idx)

Stop periodic synchronization.

[in]per_sync_idxPeriodic synchronization index (range is 0 to 4).
Return values
SDK_SUCCESSOperation is successful.
SDK_ERR_INVALID_PER_SYNC_IDXInvalid periodic syncronization index supplied.
SDK_ERR_DISALLOWEDOperation is disallowed.
This API is asynchronous.
gap_cb_fun_t::app_gap_stop_sync_cb will be called once the operation has completed.

◆ ble_gap_ppcp_get()

uint16_t ble_gap_ppcp_get ( gap_conn_param_t p_conn_params)

Get GAP Peripheral Preferred Connection Parameters.

[out]p_conn_paramsThe pointer to PPCP values.
Return values
SDK_SUCCESSOperation is successful.
SDK_ERR_POINTER_NULLInvalid pointer supplied.

◆ ble_gap_ppcp_present_set()

void ble_gap_ppcp_present_set ( bool  present_flag)

Set GAP Peripheral Preferred Connection Parameters present flag.

[in]present_flagPresent or not.

◆ ble_gap_ppcp_set()

uint16_t ble_gap_ppcp_set ( gap_conn_param_t const *  p_conn_params)

Set GAP Peripheral Preferred Connection Parameters.

[in]p_conn_paramsThe pointer to PPCP values.
Return values
SDK_SUCCESSOperation is successful.
SDK_ERR_POINTER_NULLInvalid pointer supplied.

◆ ble_gap_pref_phy_set()

void ble_gap_pref_phy_set ( uint8_t  tx_pref_phy,
uint8_t  rx_pref_phy 

Set the preferred values for the transmitter PHY and receiver PHY.

[in]tx_pref_phyA bit field that indicates the transmitter PHYs that the Host prefers the Controller to use(see GAP PHYs (bitmask)).
[in]rx_pref_phyA bit field that indicates the receiver PHYs that the Host prefers the Controller to use(see GAP PHYs (bitmask)).

◆ ble_gap_privacy_mode_set()

uint16_t ble_gap_privacy_mode_set ( gap_bdaddr_t  peer_addr,
privacy_mode_t  mode 

Set privacy mode for peer device.

[in]peer_addrThe peer address.
[in]modePrivacy mode (see privacy_mode_t).
Return values
SDK_SUCCESSOperation is successful.
SDK_ERR_INVALID_PARAMInvalid parameter supplied.
SDK_ERR_DISALLOWEDOperation is disallowed.
SDK_ERR_NO_RESOURCESNot enough resources.

◆ ble_gap_privacy_params_set()

uint16_t ble_gap_privacy_params_set ( uint16_t  renew_dur,
bool  enable_flag 

Set privacy related parameters.

[in]renew_durDuration before regenerating a device address when privacy is enabled in seconds. Range: 0x0001 (1s) ~ 0xA1B8 (11.5 hr). The suggested time is 900s(15 minutes).
[in]enable_flagIndicate the controller privacy is enabled or disabled.
Return values
SDK_SUCCESSOperation is successful.
SDK_ERR_INVALID_PARAMInvalid parameter supplied.

◆ ble_gap_reslv_rpa_addr()

uint16_t ble_gap_reslv_rpa_addr ( uint8_t *  reslv_addr,
uint8_t  src_info,
reslv_rpa_addr_callback_t  cb 

Resolve the rpa address.

[in]reslv_addrrpa address.
[in]src_infoInformation used retrieve requester (src_info >= 10).
[in]cbFunction that will handle the resolved result.
Return values
SDK_SUCCESSOperation is Success.
SDK_ERR_INVALID_PARAMInvalid parameter supplied.

◆ ble_gap_rpa_addr_report_cb_register()

void ble_gap_rpa_addr_report_cb_register ( rpa_addr_report_callback_t  cb)

Set the cb for rpa address report.

[in]cbthe cb for rpa address report.

◆ ble_gap_rpa_list_get()

uint16_t ble_gap_rpa_list_get ( ral_dev_list_t p_rpa_list)

Get the RPA list info.

[in]p_rpa_listPointer to the output RPA list.
Return values
SDK_SUCCESSOperation is successful.
SDK_ERR_POINTER_NULLInvalid pointer supplied.

◆ ble_gap_rslv_addr_read()

uint16_t ble_gap_rslv_addr_read ( gap_rslv_addr_read_op_id_t  op_code,
gap_bdaddr_t  peer_iden_addr 

Read peer or local resolvable address.

[in]op_codeThe operation code (see gap_rslv_addr_read_op_id_t).
[in]peer_iden_addrThe peer identity address.
Return values
SDK_SUCCESSOperation is successful.
SDK_ERR_INVALID_PARAMInvalid parameter supplied.

◆ ble_gap_scan_param_set()

uint16_t ble_gap_scan_param_set ( gap_own_addr_t  own_addr_type,
gap_scan_param_t p_scan_param 

Set parameters for scanning. Note that this function must be called prior to scanning started.

[in]own_addr_typeOwn BD address source of the local device.
[in]p_scan_paramThe scanning parameters.
Return values
SDK_SUCCESSOperation is successful.
SDK_ERR_POINTER_NULLInvalid pointer supplied.
SDK_ERR_INVALID_PARAMInvalid parameter supplied.
SDK_ERR_NO_RESOURCESNot enough resources.
This API is for legacy scanning (BT Core Spec version <= 4.2).

◆ ble_gap_scan_start()

uint16_t ble_gap_scan_start ( void  )

Start scanning.

Return values
SDK_SUCCESSOperation is successful.
SDK_ERR_POINTER_NULLInvalid pointer supplied.
SDK_ERR_DISALLOWEDOperation is disallowed.
This API is asynchronous.
gap_cb_fun_t::app_gap_adv_report_ind_cb will be called once the advertising report has been received.
gap_cb_fun_t::app_gap_scan_stop_cb will be called once the scanning has been stopped.
gap_cb_fun_t::app_gap_scan_start_cb will be called once the operation has completed.

◆ ble_gap_scan_stop()

uint16_t ble_gap_scan_stop ( void  )

Stop scanning.

Return values
SDK_SUCCESSOperation is successful.
SDK_ERR_DISALLOWEDOperation is disallowed.
This API is asynchronous.
gap_cb_fun_t::app_gap_scan_stop_cb will be called once the operation has completed or the scanning has been stopped.

◆ ble_gap_tx_power_get()

uint16_t ble_gap_tx_power_get ( gap_activity_role_t  role,
uint8_t  index,
int8_t *  txpwr_dbm 

Get the tx power.

[in]roleSelect the role to Get tx power. gap_activity_role_t for possible roles.
[in]indexThe idx parameter is interpreted on role. -If role is GAP_ACTIVITY_ROLE_ADV, it's the index of Advertising. -If role is GAP_ACTIVITY_ROLE_CON, it's the index of connection. -For all other roles, it should be ignored.
[in]txpwr_dbmThe value of the tx power, Range: -20dbm to 7dbm.
Return values
SDK_SUCCESSOperation is Success.
SDK_ERR_INVALID_CONN_IDXInvalid connection index supplied.
SDK_ERR_INVALID_ADV_IDXInvalid advertising index supplied.
SDK_ERR_INVALID_HANDLEInvalid handle supplied.

◆ ble_gap_tx_power_set()

uint16_t ble_gap_tx_power_set ( gap_activity_role_t  role,
uint8_t  index,
int8_t  txpwr_dbm 

Set the tx power.

[in]roleSelect the role to set tx power. gap_activity_role_t for possible roles.
[in]indexThe idx parameter is interpreted on role. -If role is GAP_ACTIVITY_ROLE_ADV, it's the index of Advertising. -If role is GAP_ACTIVITY_ROLE_CON, it's the index of connection. -For all other roles, it should be ignored.
[in]txpwr_dbmThe value of the tx power, Range: -20dbm to 7dbm.
Return values
SDK_SUCCESSOperation is Success.
SDK_ERR_INVALID_CONN_IDXInvalid connection index supplied.
SDK_ERR_INVALID_ADV_IDXInvalid advertising index supplied.
SDK_ERR_INVALID_HANDLEInvalid handle supplied.

◆ ble_gap_update_adv_data()

uint16_t ble_gap_update_adv_data ( uint8_t  adv_idx,
gap_adv_data_type_t  type,
const uint8_t *  p_data,
uint16_t  length 

Update Advertising Data, Scan Response Data and Periodic Advertising Data. See ENUM gap_ad_type_t for ADV Type definitions. See ENUM gap_adv_flags_t for ADV flag definitions.

[in]adv_idxAdvertising index, range is 0 to 4.
[in]typeData type.
[in]p_dataThe data pointer.
[in]lengthData length.
Return values
SDK_SUCCESSOperation is successful.
SDK_ERR_POINTER_NULLInvalid pointer supplied.
SDK_ERR_INVALID_ADV_IDXInvalid advertising index supplied.
SDK_ERR_INVALID_PARAMInvalid parameter supplied.
SDK_ERR_NO_RESOURCESNot enough resources.
User should not add extra Flags AD type as the BLE Stack has added the Flags AD type already.

◆ ble_gap_update_conn_param_method_set()

uint16_t ble_gap_update_conn_param_method_set ( uint8_t  conn_idx,
bool  use_l2cap_flag 

Set the method for updating connection parameter.

[in]conn_idxConnection index.
[in]use_l2cap_flagPreferred to use l2cap to update connection parameter.
Return values
SDK_SUCCESSOperation is Success.
SDK_ERR_INVALID_CONN_IDXInvalid connection index supplied.

◆ ble_gap_whitelist_add()

uint16_t ble_gap_whitelist_add ( const white_list_t p_whitelist)

Add the devices into current white list. If white list is full or there are duplicated entries, it will return error.

[in]p_whitelistPointer to input white list.
Return values
SDK_SUCCESSOperation is successful.
SDK_ERR_POINTER_NULLInvalid pointer supplied.
SDK_ERR_LIST_ITEM_ALREADY_EXISTEDItem already existed in list.
SDK_ERR_LIST_FULLList is full.
SDK_ERR_DISALLOWEDOperation is disallowed.
SDK_ERR_NO_RESOURCESNot enough resources.
This API is asynchronous.
gap_cb_fun_t::app_gap_param_set_cb with op_id: GAP_OPCODE_WHITELIST_SET will be called once the operation has completed.

◆ ble_gap_whitelist_clear()

uint16_t ble_gap_whitelist_clear ( void  )

Clear all the entries in the current white list.

Return values
SDK_SUCCESSOperation is successful.
SDK_ERR_DISALLOWEDOperation is disallowed.
SDK_ERR_NO_RESOURCESNot enough resources.
This API is asynchronous.
gap_cb_fun_t::app_gap_param_set_cb with op_id: GAP_OPCODE_WHITELIST_SET will be called once the operation has completed.

◆ ble_gap_whitelist_del()

uint16_t ble_gap_whitelist_del ( const white_list_t p_whitelist)

Delete the devices out of current white list. If the entries do not exist in the current white list, it will return error.

[in]p_whitelistPointer to input white list.
Return values
SDK_SUCCESSOperation is successful.
SDK_ERR_POINTER_NULLInvalid pointer supplied.
SDK_ERR_LIST_ITEM_NOT_FOUNDItem not found in list.
SDK_ERR_DISALLOWEDOperation is disallowed.
SDK_ERR_INVALID_PARAMInvalid parameter supplied.
SDK_ERR_NO_RESOURCESNot enough resources.
This API is asynchronous.
gap_cb_fun_t::app_gap_param_set_cb with op_id: GAP_OPCODE_WHITELIST_SET will be called once the operation has completed.

◆ ble_gap_whitelist_get()

uint16_t ble_gap_whitelist_get ( white_list_t p_whitelist)

Get the content of the whole white list.

[in]p_whitelistPointer to the output white list.
Return values
SDK_SUCCESSOperation is successful.
SDK_ERR_POINTER_NULLInvalid pointer supplied.