The gap callback function struct. More...

#include <ble_gapc.h>

Data Fields

void(* app_gap_param_set_cb )(uint8_t status, const gap_param_set_op_id_t set_param_op)
 This callback function will be called when the param(s) setting operation has been completed. More...
void(* app_gap_psm_manager_cb )(uint8_t status, const gap_psm_manager_op_id_t psm_op)
 This callback function will be called when the PSM register/unregister operation has been completed. More...
void(* app_gap_phy_update_cb )(uint8_t conn_idx, uint8_t status, const gap_le_phy_ind_t *p_phy)
 This callback function will be called when update PHY completed. More...
void(* app_gap_dev_info_get_cb )(uint8_t status, const gap_dev_info_get_t *p_dev_info)
 This callback function will be called once the requested parameters has been available. More...
void(* app_gap_adv_start_cb )(uint8_t inst_idx, uint8_t status)
 This callback function will be called when the adv has started. More...
void(* app_gap_adv_stop_cb )(uint8_t inst_idx, uint8_t status, gap_stopped_reason_t adv_stop_reason)
 This callback function will be called when the adv has stopped. More...
void(* app_gap_scan_req_ind_cb )(uint8_t inst_idx, const gap_bdaddr_t *p_scanner_addr)
 This callback function will be called when app has received the scan request. More...
void(* app_gap_adv_data_update_cb )(uint8_t inst_idx, uint8_t status)
 This callback function will be called when update adv data completed. More...
void(* app_gap_scan_start_cb )(uint8_t status)
 This callback function will be called when the scan has started. More...
void(* app_gap_scan_stop_cb )(uint8_t status, gap_stopped_reason_t scan_stop_reason)
 This callback function will be called once the scanning activity has been stopped. More...
void(* app_gap_adv_report_ind_cb )(const gap_ext_adv_report_ind_t *p_adv_report)
 This callback function will be called once the advertising report has been received. More...
void(* app_gap_sync_establish_cb )(uint8_t inst_idx, uint8_t status, const gap_sync_established_ind_t *p_sync_established_info)
 This callback function will be called once the periodic advertising synchronization has been established. More...
void(* app_gap_stop_sync_cb )(uint8_t inst_idx, uint8_t status)
 This callback function will be called when sync has stopped. More...
void(* app_gap_sync_lost_cb )(uint8_t inst_idx)
 This callback function will be called once the periodic advertising synchronization has been lost. More...
void(* app_gap_connect_cb )(uint8_t conn_idx, uint8_t status, const gap_conn_cmp_t *p_conn_param)
 This callback function will be called when connection completed. More...
void(* app_gap_disconnect_cb )(uint8_t conn_idx, uint8_t status, uint8_t reason)
 This callback function will be called when disconnection completed. More...
void(* app_gap_connect_cancel_cb )(uint8_t status)
 This callback function will be called when connection canceled. More...
void(* app_gap_auto_connection_timeout_cb )(void)
 This callback function will be called when an automatic connection timeout occurs. More...
void(* app_gap_peer_name_ind_cb )(uint8_t conn_idx, const gap_peer_name_ind_t *p_peer_name)
 This callback function will be called when the peer name info has been available. More...
void(* app_gap_connection_update_cb )(uint8_t conn_idx, uint8_t status, const gap_conn_update_cmp_t *p_conn_param_update_info)
 This callback function will be called when connection update completed. More...
void(* app_gap_connection_update_req_cb )(uint8_t conn_idx, const gap_conn_param_t *p_conn_param_update_req)
 This callback function will be called when the peer device requests updating connection. More...
void(* app_gap_connection_info_get_cb )(uint8_t conn_idx, uint8_t status, const gap_conn_info_param_t *p_conn_info)
 This callback function will be called when app has got the connection info. More...
void(* app_gap_peer_info_get_cb )(uint8_t conn_idx, uint8_t status, const gap_peer_info_param_t *p_peer_dev_info)
 This callback function will be called when app has got the peer info. More...
void(* app_gap_le_pkt_size_info_cb )(uint8_t conn_idx, uint8_t status, const gap_le_pkt_size_ind_t *p_supported_data_length_size)
 This callback function will be called when an app sets the length size of the supported data. More...
void(* app_gap_rslv_addr_read_cb )(uint8_t status, const gap_rslv_addr_read_t *p_read_rslv_addr)
 This callback function will be called when an app reads the local or peer reslovable address. More...

Detailed Description

The gap callback function struct.

Field Documentation

◆ app_gap_adv_data_update_cb

void(* gap_cb_fun_t::app_gap_adv_data_update_cb) (uint8_t inst_idx, uint8_t status)

This callback function will be called when update adv data completed.

[in]inst_idxThe advertising index. Valid range is: 0 - 4.
[in]statusThe status of udpate PHY operation.
Return values

◆ app_gap_adv_report_ind_cb

void(* gap_cb_fun_t::app_gap_adv_report_ind_cb) (const gap_ext_adv_report_ind_t *p_adv_report)

This callback function will be called once the advertising report has been received.

[in]p_adv_reportPointer to the extended advertising report. See gap_ext_adv_report_ind_t.
Return values

◆ app_gap_adv_start_cb

void(* gap_cb_fun_t::app_gap_adv_start_cb) (uint8_t inst_idx, uint8_t status)

This callback function will be called when the adv has started.

[in]inst_idxThe advertising index. Valid range is: 0 - 4.
[in]statusThe status of starting a advertiser.
Return values

◆ app_gap_adv_stop_cb

void(* gap_cb_fun_t::app_gap_adv_stop_cb) (uint8_t inst_idx, uint8_t status, gap_stopped_reason_t adv_stop_reason)

This callback function will be called when the adv has stopped.

[in]inst_idxThe advertising index. Valid range is: 0 - 4.
[in]statusThe status of stopping a advertiser. If status is not success, adv_stop_reason is invalid.
[in]adv_stop_reasonThe stop reason. See gap_stopped_reason_t.
Return values

◆ app_gap_auto_connection_timeout_cb

void(* gap_cb_fun_t::app_gap_auto_connection_timeout_cb) (void)

This callback function will be called when an automatic connection timeout occurs.

Return values

◆ app_gap_connect_cancel_cb

void(* gap_cb_fun_t::app_gap_connect_cancel_cb) (uint8_t status)

This callback function will be called when connection canceled.

[in]statusThe status of cancel operation.
Return values

◆ app_gap_connect_cb

void(* gap_cb_fun_t::app_gap_connect_cb) (uint8_t conn_idx, uint8_t status, const gap_conn_cmp_t *p_conn_param)

This callback function will be called when connection completed.

[in]conn_idxThe connection index.
[in]statusThe status of operation. If status is not success, conn_idx and p_conn_param are invalid.
[in]p_conn_paramPointer to the connection param. See gap_conn_cmp_t.
Return values

◆ app_gap_connection_info_get_cb

void(* gap_cb_fun_t::app_gap_connection_info_get_cb) (uint8_t conn_idx, uint8_t status, const gap_conn_info_param_t *p_conn_info)

This callback function will be called when app has got the connection info.

[in]conn_idxThe connection index.
[in]statusThe status of GAP operation.
[in]p_conn_infoPointer to the connection info. See gap_conn_info_param_t.
Return values

◆ app_gap_connection_update_cb

void(* gap_cb_fun_t::app_gap_connection_update_cb) (uint8_t conn_idx, uint8_t status, const gap_conn_update_cmp_t *p_conn_param_update_info)

This callback function will be called when connection update completed.

[in]conn_idxThe connection index.
[in]statusThe status of GAP operation.
[in]p_conn_param_update_infoPointer to the connection update complete param. See gap_conn_update_cmp_t.
Return values

◆ app_gap_connection_update_req_cb

void(* gap_cb_fun_t::app_gap_connection_update_req_cb) (uint8_t conn_idx, const gap_conn_param_t *p_conn_param_update_req)

This callback function will be called when the peer device requests updating connection.

[in]conn_idxThe connection index.
[in]p_conn_param_update_reqPointer to the connection update request param. See gap_conn_param_t.
Return values

◆ app_gap_dev_info_get_cb

void(* gap_cb_fun_t::app_gap_dev_info_get_cb) (uint8_t status, const gap_dev_info_get_t *p_dev_info)

This callback function will be called once the requested parameters has been available.

[in]statusGAP operation status.
[in]p_dev_infoPointer to the device info. See gap_dev_info_get_t.
Return values

◆ app_gap_disconnect_cb

void(* gap_cb_fun_t::app_gap_disconnect_cb) (uint8_t conn_idx, uint8_t status, uint8_t reason)

This callback function will be called when disconnection completed.

[in]conn_idxThe connection index.
[in]statusThe status of operation. If status is not success, disconnection reason is invalid.
[in]reasonThe reason of disconnection. See BLE Stack specific error codes.
Return values

◆ app_gap_le_pkt_size_info_cb

void(* gap_cb_fun_t::app_gap_le_pkt_size_info_cb) (uint8_t conn_idx, uint8_t status, const gap_le_pkt_size_ind_t *p_supported_data_length_size)

This callback function will be called when an app sets the length size of the supported data.

[in]conn_idxThe connection index.
[in]statusThe status of GAP operation.
[in]p_supported_data_length_sizeSupported data length size. See gap_le_pkt_size_ind_t.
Return values

◆ app_gap_param_set_cb

void(* gap_cb_fun_t::app_gap_param_set_cb) (uint8_t status, const gap_param_set_op_id_t set_param_op)

This callback function will be called when the param(s) setting operation has been completed.

[in]statusThe status of set param operation.
[in]set_param_opThe operation of setting.
See also
Return values

◆ app_gap_peer_info_get_cb

void(* gap_cb_fun_t::app_gap_peer_info_get_cb) (uint8_t conn_idx, uint8_t status, const gap_peer_info_param_t *p_peer_dev_info)

This callback function will be called when app has got the peer info.

[in]conn_idxThe connection index.
[in]statusThe status of GAP operation.
[in]p_peer_dev_infoPointer to the peer device info. See gap_peer_info_param_t.
Return values

◆ app_gap_peer_name_ind_cb

void(* gap_cb_fun_t::app_gap_peer_name_ind_cb) (uint8_t conn_idx, const gap_peer_name_ind_t *p_peer_name)

This callback function will be called when the peer name info has been available.

[in]conn_idxThe connection index.
[in]p_peer_namePointer to the peer device name indication info. See gap_peer_name_ind_t.
Return values

◆ app_gap_phy_update_cb

void(* gap_cb_fun_t::app_gap_phy_update_cb) (uint8_t conn_idx, uint8_t status, const gap_le_phy_ind_t *p_phy)

This callback function will be called when update PHY completed.

[in]conn_idxThe index of connections.
[in]statusThe status of udpate PHY operation.
[in]phyPointer to the PHY info.
Return values

◆ app_gap_psm_manager_cb

void(* gap_cb_fun_t::app_gap_psm_manager_cb) (uint8_t status, const gap_psm_manager_op_id_t psm_op)

This callback function will be called when the PSM register/unregister operation has been completed.

[in]statusThe status of PSM manager operations.
[in]psm_opThe operation of register/unregister PSM.
See also
Return values

◆ app_gap_rslv_addr_read_cb

void(* gap_cb_fun_t::app_gap_rslv_addr_read_cb) (uint8_t status, const gap_rslv_addr_read_t *p_read_rslv_addr)

This callback function will be called when an app reads the local or peer reslovable address.

[in]statusThe status of GAP operation.
[in]p_read_rslv_addrRead resolvable address info. See gap_rslv_addr_read_t.
Return values

◆ app_gap_scan_req_ind_cb

void(* gap_cb_fun_t::app_gap_scan_req_ind_cb) (uint8_t inst_idx, const gap_bdaddr_t *p_scanner_addr)

This callback function will be called when app has received the scan request.

[in]inst_idxThe advertising index. Valid range is: 0 - 4.
[in]p_scanner_addrPointer to the BD address. See gap_bdaddr_t.
Return values

◆ app_gap_scan_start_cb

void(* gap_cb_fun_t::app_gap_scan_start_cb) (uint8_t status)

This callback function will be called when the scan has started.

[in]statusThe status of starting a scanner.
Return values

◆ app_gap_scan_stop_cb

void(* gap_cb_fun_t::app_gap_scan_stop_cb) (uint8_t status, gap_stopped_reason_t scan_stop_reason)

This callback function will be called once the scanning activity has been stopped.

[in]statusThe status of stopping a scanner.
[in]scan_stop_reasonThe stop reason. See gap_stopped_reason_t.
Return values

◆ app_gap_stop_sync_cb

void(* gap_cb_fun_t::app_gap_stop_sync_cb) (uint8_t inst_idx, uint8_t status)

This callback function will be called when sync has stopped.

[in]statusThe status of stopping sync.
[in]inst_idxThe periodic syncronization index. Valid range is: 0 - 4.
Return values

◆ app_gap_sync_establish_cb

void(* gap_cb_fun_t::app_gap_sync_establish_cb) (uint8_t inst_idx, uint8_t status, const gap_sync_established_ind_t *p_sync_established_info)

This callback function will be called once the periodic advertising synchronization has been established.

[in]statusThe status of sync.
[in]inst_idxThe periodic syncronization index. Valid range is: 0 - 4.
[in]p_sync_established_infoPointer to the established ind info. See gap_sync_established_ind_t.
Return values

◆ app_gap_sync_lost_cb

void(* gap_cb_fun_t::app_gap_sync_lost_cb) (uint8_t inst_idx)

This callback function will be called once the periodic advertising synchronization has been lost.

[in]inst_idxThe periodic syncronization index. Valid range is: 0 - 4.
Return values

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