Data Structures

struct  gap_dev_version_ind_t
 The struct of device version. More...
struct  gap_addr_t
 The struct of address. More...
struct  gap_bdaddr_t
 The struct of broadcast address with broadcast type. More...
struct  gap_get_bd_addr_t
 Get broadcast address struct. More...
struct  gap_dev_adv_tx_power_t
 TX power info struct. More...
struct  gap_dev_tx_power_t
 TX power info struct. More...
struct  gap_max_data_len_t
 Max data length info struct. More...
struct  gap_sugg_dflt_data_len_t
 Suggested default data length info. More...
struct  gap_nb_adv_sets_t
 Number of available advertising sets info. More...
struct  gap_max_adv_data_len_ind_t
 Maximum advertising data length info. More...
struct  gap_dev_rf_path_comp_ind_t
 RF path compensation values info. More...
union  gap_dev_info_t
 Device info. More...
struct  gap_dev_info_get_t
 Get device info operation struct. More...
struct  gap_rslv_addr_read_t
 Read resolvable address info struct. More...
struct  gap_sync_established_ind_t
 Sync established indication. More...
struct  gap_ext_adv_report_ind_t
 APP receives the extended advertising report indication info struct. More...
struct  gap_peer_name_ind_t
 Name of peer device indication. More...
struct  gap_conn_update_cmp_t
 Connection parameter used to update connection parameters. More...
struct  gap_conn_param_t
 The parameter of connection. More...
struct  gap_conn_update_param_t
 The parameter of update connection. More...
struct  gap_conn_cmp_t
 Connection complete info. More...
struct  gap_chnl_map_t
 Channel map structure. More...
struct  gap_le_phy_ind_t
 PHY info. More...
union  gap_conn_info_t
 Connection info. More...
struct  gap_conn_info_param_t
 The info of connecting operation. More...
struct  gap_peer_version_ind_t
 Peer version info. More...
struct  gap_peer_features_ind_t
 LE features info. More...
union  gap_peer_info_t
 LE peer info. More...
struct  gap_peer_info_param_t
 Get peer info operation struct. More...
struct  gap_le_pkt_size_ind_t
 Supported data length size Indication. More...
struct  gap_con_plan_tag_t
 The Structure for BLE Connection Arrangement. More...
struct  gap_set_pref_slave_evt_dur_param_t
 Set preference slave event duration. More...
struct  gap_cb_fun_t
 The gap callback function struct. More...


typedef void(* app_ble_init_cmp_cb_t) (void)
 BLE initialization completed callback function for application.

Detailed Description